B3i: Placement Completed On Blockchain


12th February 2020

B3i Services AG, a 2-year-old company entirely owned by members of the insurance industry, announced that 30 contracts of reinsurance have been concluded on its platform, including some of the world’s most complex Catastrophe Excess of Loss (XoL) reinsurance treaties.

A total of 9 insurers, 4 major brokerage firms, and 8 reinsurers participated in the placements, which were conducted as a parallel run with 1/1/20 renewals or as a re-creation.

B3i: Community Membership Brochure


Accelerate your knowledge and understanding of the power of Blockchain and be part of the leading insurance Blockchain ecosystem network.

B3i is developing an insurance ecosystem network to trade risks. You can participate in an early stage by becoming a member of our community. You will get exclusive access to information about our initiative and be invited to evaluate and provide feedback on the latest Blockchain-based insurance applications. Get access to discussions with leading industry experts through exclusive B3i conferences, our member network and webinars.

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B3i: Product Launch

CAT XoL Application Launch Press Event

15th October 2019 – London UK

B3i today announced that it has released the latest version of its Property Catastrophe Excess of Loss Reinsurance application and its successful deployment to production environments ahead of year end renewals. The product runs within the B3i Business Network, part of the global Corda Network.

Customers are now readying themselves for the upcoming year-end contract renewals. The product enables them and their counterparties to easily and cost effectively negotiate terms, agree rates and complete contract placements. Historically this multiparty process has been facilitated by email with inherent risks and inefficiencies around version control, data integrity (transposition errors), document management and security.

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B3i: Shareholder Announced – CPIC


22nd August 2019

Through its ongoing funding rounds, B3i is delighted to welcome China Pacific Insurance Group (CPIC) as the latest investor in B3i and Li Hao as a member of the Board of B3i.

CPIC extends the breadth of the shareholder community to further strengthen B3i’s representation across the global insurance market.


B3i: Blockchain Hackathon


11th August 2019 – London UK

On the 19th and 20th June 2019, B3i welcomed testing groups from across the B3i community to join in their testing hackathon in Zurich, Switzerland.

Attendees tested a live version of B3i’s Property Catastrophe Excess of Loss Reinsurance application. Brokers, insurers and reinsurers were asked to setup real scenarios to stress test the application, whilst providing feedback to B3i’s developers. The network ran 43 nodes – 40 customer nodes (7 cedents, 12 brokers and 21 reinsurers) and 3 B3i (operator, mapping and notary nodes) to simulate life- like scenarios.

Play Video about B3i-Hackathon-Bea-Media
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Project: Webinar

Today, innovation and disruption are impacting how consumers make decisions.

In this webinar, Tom and Amy will focus on some of the factors which are impacting switching across different sectors, paying particular attention to the energy sector and what consumers want from their service provider.

Guest Speaker



With 10 years’ research experience, Tom applies a rigorous framework to meet his client’s business objectives. Tom is extremely business orientated, and consistently ensures that the the insight we deliver is of commercial relevance. His clients include Lloyds Banking Group, GoCompare, Sunny, BT and many more.

Tom started his career his career with TNS where he specialised in innovation within the consumer sector and worked as part of the Global Corporate Development team, supporting the role out of a company wide growth strategy and re-brand across 80 markets.

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Making & Breaking Habits

Project: Webinar

The Behavioural Architects advises many of the world’s largest companies of behavioural change and making or breaking habits.

In this webinar Crawford Hollingworth will arm you with the latest thinking, models and insights from the behavioural sciences around habit formation

Guest Speaker


The Behavioural Architects

With a background in Applied Social Psychology, Crawford started his career as a strategic planner working in some of the world’s top communication agencies including BMP, DDB, AMV BBDO and Chiat Day.


Crawford co-founded The Behavioural Architects in 2011 an insight, research and strategic consultancy. The company uses the latest thinking from the behavioural sciences and in particular behavioural economics to help organisations understand and influence consumer behaviour more effectively, pioneering new approaches alongside reinvigorating traditional methodologies.

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Event: Disruptive Technologies and the Changing Insight Team

AURA Event – London 2019

AURA’s  seminar (16th July 2019) looked at a range of disruptive technology in the insight sector, and what impact this may have on your insight team. This promises to be a thought-provoking and engaging day, so please sign up if you haven’t already as places are running out.


Attendees heard how SKIM and Johnson & Johnson discovered the emotions in decision making; using innovative technology to detect emotions in voice, and help them to understand stress.

Metrix Lab will take us through a case study showing how they accelerated the speed of advertising creative learning with artificial intelligence.

Dynata will show us a new way of testing concepts in research through a self-learning algorithm: quicker and more flexible than other methods.


At each event AURA hosts we want members to take away tangible learnings that can be taken back to the workplace. This event is no different, at this seminar you will experience the following:

Nick Bonney from Deep Blue Thinking and Mike Stevens from Deep Blue Thinking will run an interactive workshop on the emerging technology landscape, the implications for insight teams and agency partners, and how teams can work in more agile ways. What new skills will we need to nurture?

What are the new sources of data which are currently hidden? What are the key studies of today which may become less relevant in the future?

B3i: New CEO Appointed At Swiss Startup

John Carolin Appointed CEO of B3i

17th July 2019

John Carolin has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of B3i Services AG (“B3i”).

John previously served as interim CEO since March 2019 after joining B3i as Chief Financial Officer in March 2018.


AURA Events Website

Project: Website

To support AURA’s growing events schedule, the team required a lightweight website to facilitate event sign up, messaging, and content sharing post event.

Bea built a WordPress website to meet their need and populated the site with required new and existing assets.

The UK’s biggest network for Clientside Insight Professionals

AURA’s events and seminars bring together the best speakers from both clientside members and agencies to talk about the most topical issues affecting the Research and Insight industry today.