AURA Event – London 2019

Thinking differently in Research needn’t be difficult. We can all broadly agree, most organisations do more than enough research. However not enough of us use the findings and insights as effectively as we would like.

At this AURA event, members will take part in an interactive workshop with OKO (AURA’s 2019 Best Small Agency award winners) on the practical processes and actions that lead to a greater ROI on research projects.

Attendees to this event would get to:

  • Examine your practical processes and actions in our workshop to improve ROI on your research projects
  • Understand how to unlock fresh insights with behavioural science to drive greater business impact
  • Think differently about our industry


On the 21st May 2019, we welcomed a great host of speakers from across the Research & Insight industry. Their focus was to showcase techniques and case studies to help attendees change their thinking in the areas of Decision Making, Mental Wellbeing in Research, Behavioural Science and Data Analysis.